arcenciel is a non-governmental organization that was established during the Lebanese war, in 1985, at a time when various communities were at war with each other and when confessional segregation became the rule in Lebanon. During these times, militia wars and religious strife caused large displacements of population and divided the regions on confessional basis. arcenciel, a non-profit, apolitical and non-confessional entity in the making, decided to fight these divisions by creating a structure that permitted to serve all, with no discrimination of any sort.
This is the reason why its founders called it arcenciel, a name that represents and regroups all colours; one that stands for equality amongst humankind.
arcenciel works with and for all people in difficulty, without discrimination of age, gender, religion, culture, race or nationality.
arcenciel’s mission today is to take part in the sustainable development of society by supporting fragile communities and integrating marginalized individuals. Therefore, arcenciel established a working model which derives its strength out of its workers weakness.